Trustees and Roles


Group Roles and Positions

Group Scout Leader :: Elaine Bond
Assistant Group Scout Leader :: Josh Kawalek
Squirrels Leader :: Laura Robinson
Beaver - Cherokees Leader :: Nina Heighington
Beaver - Mohawks Leader :: Suzanne Wilson
Cubs - Lions Leader :: Gaz Mitchell
Cubs - Tigers Leader :: Jointly run
Scouts - Jaguars Leader :: Hazel Powell
Scouts - Pumas Leader :: Louise Reader
Panther Target Sports :: Gaz Mitchell, Hazel Powell, Matt Bond

Trustees Board

Trustees Board & Members

Chair :: Mark Silo
Secretary :: Liz Williams
Treasurer :: Kristy Seal

Members :: Elaine Bond, Josh Kawalek, Gaz Mitchell, Hazel Powell, Richard Smith, Matt Bond, Keely Kemp, Pete Favell, Gerald Price